The Write Link

Resources and information for Aspiring Writers 

Writing can be tough. Writer Denice Penrose provides information, inspiration and advice to help with your writing journey. 

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I've been reluctant to try self-publishing, but have finally taken the plunge. I am happy with the results,

I must admit a preference to reading paper books. There is something about the feel of them, and especially, the smell of old books. However, I've recently discovered the joy of ebooks.

Making a living from writing is not easy. Even when your work is published, rates of pay are often very low, and many sites don't pay, or pay token amounts. One method is to Ghostwrite for someone else.

I've been reflecting on my writing journey since the publication of my novel Sakhira, and thought it worth writing about.

Today, my novel Sakhira as been published. It's a landmark moment, and it's taken literally years of blood and sweat (and a few tears) to get to this point. I will write in more detail about the process, but for now, I wanted to announce the great news.

What do you do when you have a great idea for a story, but background research shows that writing it would be factually incorrect? This week sees the start of a series that talks about problems fiction writers may face in their writing.

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