The Write Link

Resources and information for Aspiring Writers 

Writing can be tough. Writer Denice Penrose provides information, inspiration and advice to help with your writing journey. 

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What do you do when you have a great idea for a story, but background research shows that writing it would be factually incorrect? This week sees the start of a series that talks about problems fiction writers may face in their writing.

Today we're looking at how to write Science Fiction. The key to writing in any genre is to know that genre, and this means you have to read what is currently published, and what is previously published.

A writing plan should be a tool to help you with your writing. There are several approaches, and it's worth identifying one that works for you.

The bright lights of Christmas are an antidote to the cold winter months. Love it or hate it, in spite of all the hard work and preparation, the sense of anticipation is palpable as we draw nearer to the big day. We immerse ourselves in Christmas traditions without knowing their origins.

A recent post in a writing forum asked for help with the start of a story, as the person had an idea but no starting point. It's a common misconception that you need to start at the begining of a story.

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