An accessible market: writing for Chicken Soup publications


Finding markets which are open can be challenging. Many publishers won't take a manuscript unless it comes from an agent, and an agent won't sign you without a publishing contract. This is one of the great conundrums of writing!

Building up a portfolio of published work when you start out can be challenging, but it is essential, as it gives you credibility as a writer, and encourages editors to take your work seriously. Many writers submit their work to non paying markets initially, simply to build a portfolio.

One market that actively encourages contributions is the Chicken Soup series. This is an American series, filled with uplifting, inspirational and true stories. It's a good way of using your life experience in your writing.

They have a range of themes which change frequently. The current list is:

Christmas and Holiday Collection - 2018

Miracles and More

My Crazy family

Positively Happy

Step outside your comfort zone

Stories of redemption

They have guidelines on their site for what they want:

Not only is this a very accessible market, it is also a paying market. I had a story published in "My very bad, my very good cat". I received 10 contributor copies, and a cheque for $200.00.

While the Chicken Soup series are not well known in the UK, they are very well known in the USA, and this is a respected market, so looks good on your writer's CV.

If you are looking for a new market, then this is one that is worth trying. 

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